JobsEQ®: New Feature Round-up

The team behind JobsEQ is always listening to our clients' needs as evidenced with the latest release to the platform. We are happy to announce the...

The team behind JobsEQ is always listening to our clients' needs as evidenced with the latest release to the platform. We are happy to announce the inclusion of several new features that were developed after productive consultative sessions with our clients.  We’ve released two new analytics, added a stylish report, and enhanced the outputs of several of our workhorse analytics.

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments!


New Analytic: Occupation Characteristics

JobsEQ clients can now gain increased insights into location-centric demographic data by using the new Occupation Characteristics Analytic. You might wonder why we didn’t simply call it Occupation Demographics –  that’s because we’ve added Education and Training Requirements, and Underemployment, to the list of query demographic categories (age, educational attainment, race, ethnicity, and gender).



New Analytic: Award Gaps

Query regional postsecondary certification distribution with our new Award Gaps Analytic. This powerful tool for program planning and long-term skill-development strategies allows the gaps in issued awards to be examined by programs and by occupations. Additionally, our Training Concentration Analytic has been merged into this tool to provide a convenient location for various occupation or program-based award gap and surplus queries.



New Report: Industry Spotlight

The latest addition to our line of pre-formatted reports, Industry Spotlight, provides a one-click snapshot of regional industry employment and trends. Featuring an all-new design and layout, this report is useful for communicating an overview of localized industry data.

As detailed in a previous announcement, please note that we continue to offer report section customization and ordering.



Job Posting (RTI) Data Available in Reports

Clients who have access to our RTI Job Postings data will now see a “Job Posts (RTI)” section included in our Occupation Report and Education Report. This provides an up-to-date view of the live labor market in your selected region.




Underemployment Revision and Access

As noted above, underemployment data is now discoverable in our new Occupation Characteristics Analytic. The calculation of underemployment has been revised to expand the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s methodology to the regional level by leveraging JobsEQ’s regional employment, age, and education data.  These data are now also available as a dataset in our Maps Analytic.




Retirement Rates

JobsEQ clients can now expand their understanding and communicate changes in the occupational landscape by exploring retirement data in the occupation dataset of Data Explorer. These data can be represented by value and annual rate of change.



Establishment Data Available in the Labor & Wage Trends Analytic

The Labor & Wage Trends Analytic now includes the ability to directly chart establishment data, and compare these with peer or parent regions.


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